Our Community

Hats on for Healthcare

Hats On For Healthcare is a fundraising initiative supporting the programs and services of Windsor Regional Hospital.  Participants put on any kind of hat and make a small donation. 

Hats on for Healthcare has raised more than $450,000 for programs and services including Critical Care Services, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Diagnostic Imaging Equipment, Mental Health Services, Surgical and Medicine Program, Renal Program, Trauma Services and the Paediatric Radiology Suite.

Members of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland have been leaders of this event since its inception in 2010 and have contributed also to its success through their donations.



Iris House

Iris House is a not-for-profit residential home for persons with persistent serious mental illness.  It is located in downtown Windsor and has approximately 65 residents and a staff of 20.  Club members help to serve and clean-up at their monthly fundraising lunches.  Windsor-Roseland Rotary purchases flowers and mulch and provides gardeners in the spring and fall to beautify their outdoor areas.  A donation of $750 supports this residential home.

Iris Residential Inns and Services


Second Chance Ministry

The club has partnered with the Second Chance Ministry to prepare “Blessing Bags” (Double Quotation Mark) for those in need. Our Kids in Action program has assisted in collecting and preparing Blessing Bags that contain shampoo, toothpaste, soaps, socks, toothbrushes, hair clips and food gift cards. Individual club members have also donated furniture, food, coffee, kitchen appliances, pots and pans etc.


Socks & Bottoms

The Club participated with the Rotary Clubs of Windsor & Essex County to collect socks, underwear, hats, scarves, gloves and sleeping bags for the homeless.



Southwestern Ontario Gleaners (Leamington, Ontario) 

Rotary is where people share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.

Over 100 Rotarians from Windsor Essex Clubs, Areas 9 and 10 participated in the Annual 24 hour Glean-a-thon at the Southwestern Ontario Gleaners, an event that has been held for 2 years now, even during a Pandemic.  They chopped and peeled thousands of pounds of potatoes and peppers to make dehydrated soup mix to help combat food insecurity.

Dedicated to helping feed the hungry, Rotarians are proud of their efforts that will see the product used for distribution to community partners and relief agencies in places such as Tanzania, Peru, Brazil, across Canada and Ontario.

Rotarians, family, and friends all worked together at the facility in Leamington Ontario for 24 hours straight, Friday, August 21st at 4pm until Saturday, August 22nd at 4pm.

All shifts were covered to ensure that the line moved for the entire 24 hours.  Over $13,000 was raised, surpassing the goal of $5,000. The funds will be used to purchase the rice and grains to be added to food packages. 100% participation from all clubs in Area 9 and 10. Two hundred and fifty volunteers shared their strength to process 22,000 lbs of food which equals over 150,000 servings of food. Let's repeat that... 150,000 people will eat because of this effort.

This project won the District’s Hugh Archer Collaborative Award for best new project this year.  Leaders of the project were the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland and the Rotary Club of Windsor-St. Clair and it was supported by all the Rotary clubs of Windsor & Essex Co.

Southwestern Ontario Gleaners is a dedicated charitable organization that provides FREE dehydrated vegetable mix and dehydrated fruit snacks for distribution to community partners and reputable relief agencies around the world.  The unmarketable fruits and vegetables are donated by local growers and volunteers carefully prepare the produce to be mechanically cleaned, diced, dried, and packaged for distribution.

For more information visit:

Southwestern Ontario Gleaners                View

Rotary International                                View

Live at Gleaners with Windsor-Roseland    View




May House

Rotarians at Work helping a young refugee family from Sudan doing a home make-over.

May House         View 


Adaptive Sailing Program

Adaptive sailing refers to programs that provide unrestricted access to the water and experiential sailing for persons with disabilities. The Rotary Club of Windsor Roseland hosted a two day program at the LaSalle Mariner’s Yacht Club for ­­­­­adults in the Windsor-Essex County area.

Adaptive Sailing  View


Projects in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Food, Cutlery and Tea Bags for Frontline Workers  - Three Rotarians organized eleven restaurants and ethnic organizations to provide food, cutlery and tea bags for the frontline workers at Windsor Regional Hospital. More than 1,000 meals, 2,000 packages of cutlery and 200 tea bag packs have been provided.

Funds to purchase a Glidescope Blade – The Club provided $1,000 USD of District money and $250 donations from Rotarians totaling $1,560 CAD to Windsor Regional Hospital for the purchase of a Glidescope blade to allow visualization of the larynx when COVID-19 patients are being intubated.

Comfort Packages for COVID-19 Patients – A Club member used Rotarians’ donations to fill 40 packages with materials to comfort COVID-19 patients at the St. Clair College Sportsplex.  Each package contained a puzzle book, pen, Kleenex packet, glass cleaner and Lypsyl chapstick.




3rd Annual Burger Battle Participating Restaurants