Get to Know Me ... I Am Rotary

Ray  Baker Ray Baker


As a charter member of the Windsor-Roseland Rotary Club (1981), Ray Baker is the epitome of a Rotarian. You will always see him at meetings with a smile, handshake or hug for everyone. He is “proud to wear his Rotary pin” and belong to an amazing organization that serves the community. He was Club President in 1989-90 and has served as a director on most of the club’s committees.
His favourite events include Lobsterfest, Pack for Success and the Peace School program. Ray’s career experience in retail management with a large corporate retail operation provided him with the time to connect with the community and help raise much needed funds for community and world-wide projects.



Valerie Critchley


Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Amherstburg, Valerie Critchley is one of the Club’s newer members (2021). She is thrilled to be part of a service club that works to make our world a better place. “I felt it was time to give back to the community and I wanted to be a part of the great work that Rotary does”.

As a lawyer who has worked in the Municipal Sector for over 22 years, Valerie found that working for a Municipality was the perfect combination of her interest in law and politics.

In 2022, Valerie sat on the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland Board as Youth Director. She continued the program “Rotary Kids of Action Group” and she looks forward to continuing with this work as the Youth Director for the Club in 2023- 2024.

When asked about the heroes in her life, Valerie said, “it would have to say my parents. They both came from humble beginnings and emigrated from Scotland to Canada, where they became successful. Despite that success, they always remained true to their roots and their values and instilled a strong sense of family, community, love and generosity in both my brother and I - I miss them both very much”.

Valerie has been married to husband Dave for 28 years and has two amazing children, Michael (23) and Katherine (20). She loves to travel, garden, catch a baseball game on a warm summer’s day and spend as much time with friends and family as possible!




Bob Brown



Bob Brown always admired the work of Rotary, so much so that he joined twice!  The first time was in the early nineties and the second time was in 2021. “I felt honoured to be invited to join the organization and I was eager to contribute in numerous ways”.
As a retired teacher, Bob chose his career path because he is a lifelong learner and athlete. He enjoyed teaching and coaching, encouraging young people to be their best.

Bob served as Windsor-Roseland’s President and through his donations to Rotary International, is a Paul Harris recipient. Bob is also well known as “Bingo Bob” as he raised considerable money for Rotary through bingos. He has also been the ongoing chair of Lobsterfest, a well known fundraiser in the community.

When asked about mentors, Bob says “ Both Richard Rosenthal and John Chisholm to be very helpful mentors to me in Rotary and I have always valued their support”.


 Sheila Blair-Mosley

Sheila Mosley has been a long time Rotarian, becoming a member in 1998 (during a time when women in Rotary was rare). Since that time, her commitment to service above self has been evident in her work in literacy initiatives locally and around the world.
Sheila’s passion to help children and teens become their best self through literacy, is a passion of hers that started at a young age. As a grade eleven student, she was a camp counsellor for Maryvale. She met a number of young teenage girls who could not read the time on Sheila’s watch.
“I was so taken aback by this that I decided to spend time teaching them while supervising them at the beach and drawing clock faces in the sand”, says Sheila. Sheila’s career in education was launched in that moment and she spent more than thirty years in education. In her retirement, she has dedicated herself to literacy, spearheading the “Operation Bookmark” project, taking multiple trips to Guatemala, Ghana, and Nigeria bringing books and learning tools to underprivileged children, and delivering teacher training.
Her father, who made his way in Canada as a sixteen-year-old immigrant with a primary school education, became a respected manager and jack of all trades who provided a good home for his family.
 Sheila’s mentor, “ a high school teacher, friend, and mentor who volunteered in the Caribbean after I retired”, says Sheila. “She coached children in mathematics as they prepared for the challenging National High School Examinations She planted the seed that grew into my commitment to international projects in Rotary”.


          Joey Timko


Joey Timko was interested in contributing to the community, so in 2011 he became a Rotarian. He says, “after trying a few clubs, I fell in love with the family atmosphere of Windsor-Roseland”.

As the General Manager of Coral Medical Spa, Joey is always drawn to the world of business and loves the idea of building something and watching it grow. He has been involved in numerous committees including the Peace School Committee, and he is currently on the Board responsible for Club Administration.
He is most proud of helping to co-create the Dan Liliac Scholarship which is designed to award a graduating student from Vincent Massey Secondary School and is attending the University of Windsor. This scholarship fund was developed in partnership with the Family and Friends of Dr. Dan Liliac family and the Rotary Club of Windsor Roseland.
On a personal level he says about being asked who his hero is, “It would be my late father. He was instrumental in instilling in me the values that I live by today”. Joey is also a big fan of Steve Yzerman, and is a huge Red Wings fan . “Yzerman showed me how to persevere despite giant obstacles that may be in front of you”.


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