Kids Of Action

Kids Of Action is a new group that was started to address a need of club members with small children. The idea was taken from an existing club in Rotary known as RotaKids. The Kids Of Action morphed out of this existing idea, encouraging children as young as 6 years old to 14 years old to participate in activities serving within their community.

The group is taught the Rotary principle of Service Above Self, the 4 Way Test, and the Seven Areas of Service. Their very first project was making home-baked goods for the Welcome Centre Shelter for Women and Families.


The children participated in many different projects including peeling vegetables at the Gleaners, planting trees in the Rotary Legacy Forest, making comfort care packages for Second Chance Ministry, participating in Be A Santa to a Senior, and Earth Day.



Starting their second year in September 2021, the children will be tasked to create a logo for their group, encourage their friends to join the group, to look for creative ways to fundraise, and work on projects within their own community or school.


Click to view a video of the Kids Of Action and the projects they worked on September 2020-June 2021.


For further information about the group, how to join or any other questions, please contact our club at [email protected].

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