Around the Globe

Pakistan 2018

During an NID to Pakistan in 2018, DG Aruna Koushik and her team came upon a roadside school near a shanty town. This was named the Ujala School (Enlightenment) Project. There were approximately 50 children sitting on straw mats in the dirt with a teacher and an easel. Over several months, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Lahore City, the team purchased 80 plastic desks, 100 chairs, 500 books and writing tools and 2 large tents to provide shade for the children. The teacher reported great improvement in the students’ reading and math skills and a significant increase to 120 students attending the school.


Support for the Seven Women in Nepal

Twelve years ago, a young Australian woman helped seven disabled women in Nepal to produce products for sale locally and internationally. Since then, more than 5000 women have been lifted out of poverty. Windsor-Roseland Rotarian, RIPE Jennifer Jones, travelled to Nepal this winter with a $500 USD donation from the Club for the project.


Malawi Water Project

From 2014-2018, Windsor-Roseland made donations to TRF’s Water Endowment Fund initiated by member Jennifer Jones and Nick Krayacich. This qualified the Club to have $7,500 USD available from the District for a water project in Malawi, Africa.  With the Rotary Club of LaSalle Centennial, the Club participated in this project to provide clean water to 2,500 students and faculty at a high school campus and to more than 1,000 households and 4,000 people in the surrounding rural communities.


Pediatric Beds in Brazil 

Windsor-Roseland was the International Partner with the Rotary Club of Fortaleza-Alagadiço of District 4490 in Brazil. The RI Global Grant provided two beds for the pediatric unit for children receiving kidney transplants in the Hospital Geral de Fortaleza. 

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